Actor Rakul Preet Singh who had started shooting for Ajay Devgn and Amitabh Bachchan starrer MayDay had recently tested positive for COVID-19. Today, Rakul shared that she has tested negative and has recovered from the virus.
Taking to her social media handle, she thanked her fans for pouring in good wishes and love. “Happy to share that I have tested negative for COVID-19. I am feeling absolutely fine. Thank you for all your wishes and love. Can’t wait to start 2021 with good health and positivity. PS: let’s be responsible, wear masks and take all precautions," her statement read.
Thankyou for all the love ❤️
— Rakul Singh (@Rakulpreet) December 29, 2020
Just a week ago, Rakul had informed through social media that she has tested positive. Her statement read, “I’d like to inform everyone that I have tested positive for COVID-19. I have quarantined myself. I am feeling fine and will rest up well so that I can be back at shoot soon. Request everyone who met me to kindly get yourself tested. Thank you And please stay safe.”
On the work front, Rakul Preet Singh will be seen in MayDay, Attack and Sardar and Grandsons.